
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

3rd Reading Copy

Requested by Senator Jeffrey Welborn

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Catherine Duncan

March 27, 2019 (9:09am)

1. Page C-3, line 2: Department of Transportation.

Strike: "129,656,275 129,815,352"[State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "129,760,071 129,922,287"[State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Strike: "8,151,731 8,151,748"  [Federal Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "8,821,378 8,841,644"  [Federal Special Fund FY20 FY21]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment adds a biennial total of $1.6 million to the Maintenance program for funding a new Rural Traffic Management Center. This amendment increases base funding in the Maintenance program by:

$103,796 SSR and $669,647 FSR in FY 2020 and

$106,935 SSR and $689,896 FSR in FY 2021

This amendment funds the addition of 1.00 FTE in FY 2020 and a total of 7.00 FTE in FY 2021, along with increased costs in operating expenses and equipment.