
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

3rd Reading Copy

Requested by Senator Cary Smith

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Robert Miller

March 27, 2019 (4:27pm)

1. Page C-1, line 30: Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks.

Strike: "3,062,753 3,059,163"  [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "2,662,753 2,659,163"  [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

2. Page C-1: Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks.

Following: line 30

Insert: "a. Shooting Range Funding (Restricted)"

Insert: "400,000 400,000" [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment restricts $800,000 of state special revenue within the Communications and Education Division for the support of the shooting range development program. The amendment dose not change total HB 2 funding.