Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 2. Registration

Registration By Qualification

30-10-205. Registration by qualification. (1) Any security may be registered by qualification. A registration statement under this section must contain the following information and be accompanied by the following documents, in addition to payment of the registration fee prescribed in 30-10-209:

(a) with respect to the issuer and any significant subsidiary: its name, address, form of organization, the state or foreign jurisdiction and date of its organization, the general character and location of its business, and a description of its physical properties and equipment;

(b) with respect to every director and officer of the issuer or person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions: the person's name, address, and principal occupation for the past 5 years, the amount of securities of the issuer held by the person as of a specified date within 90 days of the filing of the registration statement, the remuneration paid to all listed persons in the aggregate during the past 12 months and estimated to be paid during the next 12 months, directly or indirectly, by the issuer, together with all predecessors, parents, and subsidiaries;

(c) with respect to any person not named in subsection (1)(b) owning of record, or beneficially if known, 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of equity security of the issuer: the information specified in subsection (1)(b) other than the person's occupation;

(d) with respect to every promoter not named in subsection (1)(b), if the issuer was organized within the past 3 years: the information specified in subsection (1)(b), any amount paid to the promoter by the issuer within that period or intended to be paid to the promoter, and the consideration for any payment;

(e) the capitalization and long-term debt, on both a current and a pro forma basis, of the issuer and any significant subsidiary, including a description of each security outstanding or being registered or otherwise offered, and a statement of the amount and kind of consideration, whether in the form of cash, physical assets, services, patents, goodwill, or anything else, for which the issuer or any subsidiary has issued any of its securities within the past 2 years or is obligated to issue any of its securities;

(f) the kind and amount of securities to be offered; the amount to be offered in this state; the proposed offering price and any variation from the offering price at which any portion of the offering is to be made to any persons except as underwriting and selling discounts and commissions; the estimated aggregate underwriting and selling discounts, commissions, and other promotional fees, including separately cash, securities, or anything else of value to accrue to the underwriters in connection with the offering; the estimated amounts of other selling expenses, and legal, engineering, and accounting expenses to be incurred by the issuer in connection with the offering; the name and address of every underwriter and every recipient of a promotional fee; a copy of any underwriting or selling group agreement pursuant to which the distribution is to be made, or the proposed form of any agreement whose terms have not yet been determined; and a description of the plan of distribution of any securities that are to be offered otherwise than through an underwriter;

(g) the estimated cash proceeds to be received by the issuer from the offering, the purposes for which the proceeds are to be used by the issuer, the amount to be used for each purpose, the amounts of any funds to be raised from other sources to achieve the purposes stated and the sources of the additional funds, and, if any part of the proceeds is to be used to acquire any property, including goodwill, otherwise than in the ordinary course of business, the names and addresses of the vendors and the purchase price;

(h) a description of any stock options or other security options outstanding or to be created in connection with the offering, together with the amount of any options held or to be held by every person required to be named in subsection (1)(b), (1)(c), (1)(d), (1)(e), or (1)(g) and by any person who holds or will hold 10% or more in the aggregate of any options;

(i) the states in which a registration statement or similar document in connection with the offering has been or is expected to be filed;

(j) any adverse order, judgment, or decree previously entered in connection with the offering by any court or the securities and exchange commission;

(k) a description of any pending litigation or proceeding to which the issuer is a party and that materially affects its business or assets, including any litigation or proceeding known to be contemplated by governmental authorities;

(l) a copy of any prospectus or circular intended as of the effective date to be used in connection with the offering;

(m) if the issuer issues a document showing ownership of the security being registered, a specimen or copy of the document;

(n) a copy of the issuer's articles of incorporation and bylaws as currently in effect;

(o) a copy of any indenture or other instrument covering the security to be registered;

(p) a signed or conformed copy of an opinion of counsel, if available, as to the legality of the security being registered;

(q) a balance sheet of the issuer as of a date within 4 months prior to the filing of the registration statement, a profit and loss statement and analysis of surplus for each of the 3 fiscal years preceding the date of the balance sheet and for any period between the close of the last fiscal year and the date of the balance sheet or for the period of the issuer's and any predecessor's existence if less than 3 years, and, if any part of the proceeds of the offering is to be applied to the purchase of any business, the same financial statements that would be required if that business were the registrant;

(r) a consent to service of process meeting the requirements of 30-10-208; and

(s) other information that the commissioner may require.

(2) In the case of a nonissuer distribution, information may not be required under this section unless it is known to the person filing the registration statement or to the persons on whose behalf the distribution is to be made or can be furnished by them without unreasonable effort or expense.

(3) A registration statement by qualification under this section becomes effective when the commissioner so orders. The commissioner may require as a condition of registration under this section that a prospectus containing any designated part of the information specified in this section be sent or given to each person to whom an offer is made before or concurrently with:

(a) the first written offer made to the person, by means other than a public advertisement, by or for the account of the issuer or any other person on whose behalf the offering is being made or by any underwriter or broker-dealer who is offering part of an unsold allotment or subscription taken by the underwriter or broker-dealer as a participant in the distribution;

(b) the confirmation of any sale made by or for the account of any such person;

(c) payment pursuant to any such sale; or

(d) delivery of the security pursuant to any such sale, whichever first occurs, but the commissioner shall accept for use under the requirement a current prospectus or offering circular regarding the same securities filed under the Securities Act of 1933 or regulations implementing that act.

History: En. Sec. 10, Ch. 251, L. 1961; R.C.M. 1947, 15-2010; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 279, L. 1981; amd. Sec. 901, Ch. 56, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 63, L. 2015.