Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 3. Metal Mine Reclamation

Action In Response To Complaints Related To Use Of Explosives

82-4-356. Action in response to complaints related to use of explosives. (1) An owner of an interest in real property or an individual who resides within an area subject to property damage or safety hazards related to the use of explosives by any person subject to the provisions of this part may file a complaint with the department, describing the alleged property damage or safety hazards. The complainant shall provide credible evidence to the department to substantiate allegations of property damage or safety hazards.

(2) Upon receipt of a complaint, the department:

(a) shall investigate the statements and charges in the complaint, using all available information, including mine or exploration blasting records and other data obtained through an examination of the dwelling, structure, or site identified in the complaint;

(b) may conduct tests and make measurements, including reasonable efforts to replicate conditions that may have caused property damage or safety hazards, and may require the allegedly responsible person to cooperate as necessary to investigate the complaint;

(c) shall issue a written finding specifying the cause of any property damage or safety hazards that are validated by the investigation; and

(d) shall, if it determines that the preponderance of evidence indicates that property damage or safety hazards are or were caused by exploration or mining activities, order the responsible person to make changes in the use of explosives or other appropriate mitigation to alleviate property damage or safety hazards.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 443, L. 1989.