Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 5. Information Technology -- Internet Privacy

Agency Information Technology Plans -- Form And Content -- Performance Reports

2-17-524. Agency information technology plans -- form and content -- performance reports. (1) Each agency's information technology plan must include but is not limited to the following:

(a) a statement of the agency's mission, goals, and objectives for information technology, including a discussion of how the agency uses or plans to use information technology to provide mission-critical services to Montana citizens and businesses;

(b) an explanation of how the agency's mission, goals, and objectives for information technology support and conform to the state strategic information technology plan required in 2-17-521;

(c) a baseline profile of the agency's current information technology resources and capabilities that:

(i) includes sufficient information to fully support state-level review and approval activities; and

(ii) will serve as the basis for subsequent planning and performance measures;

(d) an evaluation of the baseline profile that identifies real or potential deficiencies or obsolescence of the agency's information technology resources and capabilities;

(e) a list of new projects and resources required to meet the objectives of the agency's information technology plan. The investment required for the new projects and resources must be developed using life-cycle cost analysis, including the initial investment, maintenance, and replacement costs, and must fulfill or support an agency's business requirements.

(f) when feasible, estimated schedules and funding required to implement identified projects; and

(g) any other information required by law or requested by the department, the governor, or the legislature.

(2) Each agency's information technology plan must project activities and costs over a 6-year time period, consisting of the biennium during which the plan is written or updated and the 2 subsequent bienniums.

(3) Each agency shall prepare and submit to the department a biennial performance report that evaluates progress toward the objectives articulated in its information technology plan. The report must include:

(a) an evaluation of the agency's performance relating to information technology;

(b) an assessment of progress made toward implementing the agency information technology plan; and

(c) an inventory of agency information services, equipment, and proprietary software.

(4) State agencies shall prepare agency information technology plans and biennial performance reports using standards, elements, forms, and formats specified by the department.

History: En. Sec. 16, Ch. 313, L. 2001.