Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 16. Railway Authorities


7-14-1622. Directors. (1) The powers of an authority are vested in the directors of the authority. A majority of the directors constitutes a quorum for the purpose of conducting business of the authority and exercising its powers for all other purposes. Action may be taken by the authority upon a vote of not less than a majority of the directors present.

(2) There must be elected a presiding officer, a vice presiding officer, a treasurer, and a secretary from among the directors. An authority may employ an executive director, technical experts, and other officers, agents, and employees, permanent and temporary, as necessary and shall determine their qualifications, duties, and compensation. An authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees powers or duties as it considers proper.

(3) A director of an authority is entitled to receive expenses, as provided in 2-18-501 through 2-18-503, incurred in the performance of the director's duties.

History: En. Sec. 7, Ch. 333, L. 1993.