20-1-401. Disaster drills to be conducted regularly -- districts to identify disaster risks and adopt school safety plan. (1) As used in this part, "disaster" means the occurrence or imminent threat of damage, injury, or loss of life or property. Disaster drills must be conducted regularly in accordance with this part.
(2) A board of trustees shall identify the local hazards that exist within the boundaries of its school district and design and incorporate drills in its school safety plan or emergency operations plan to address those hazards.
(3) A board of trustees shall adopt a school safety plan or emergency operations plan that addresses issues of school safety relating to school buildings and facilities, communications systems, and school grounds with the input from the local community and that addresses coordination on issues of school safety, if any, with the county or regional interdisciplinary child information and school safety team provided for in 52-2-211. The trustees shall certify to the office of public instruction that a school safety plan or emergency operations plan has been adopted. The trustees shall review the school safety plan or emergency operations plan periodically and update the plan as determined necessary by the trustees based on changing circumstances pertaining to school safety. Once the trustees have made the certification to the office of public instruction, the trustees may transfer funds pursuant to 20-9-236 to make improvements to school safety and security.