Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 7. Shareholders

Shareholders' List For Meeting

35-14-720. Shareholders' list for meeting. (1) After fixing a record date for a meeting, a corporation shall prepare an alphabetical list of the names of all its shareholders who are entitled to notice of a shareholders' meeting. If the board of directors fixes a different record date under 35-14-707(5) to determine the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting, a corporation also shall prepare an alphabetical list of the names of all its shareholders who are entitled to vote at the meeting. A list must be arranged by voting group and, within each voting group, by class or series of shares and must show the address of and number of shares held by each shareholder. Nothing in this subsection requires the corporation to include on the list the electronic mail address or other electronic contact information of a shareholder.

(2) (a) The shareholders' list for notice must be available for inspection by any shareholder, beginning 2 business days after notice is given of the meeting for which the list was prepared and continuing through the meeting:

(i) at the corporation's principal office or at a place identified in the meeting notice in the city where the meeting will be held; or

(ii) on a reasonably accessible electronic network, provided that the information required to gain access to the list is provided with the notice of the meeting. In the event that the corporation determines to make the list available on an electronic network, the corporation may take reasonable steps to ensure that the information is available only to shareholders of the corporation.

(b) A shareholders' list for voting must be similarly available for inspection promptly after the record date for voting. A shareholder or the shareholder's agent or attorney is entitled on written demand to inspect and, subject to the requirements of 35-14-1602(3), to copy the list, during regular business hours and at the shareholder's expense, during the period it is available for inspection.

(3) If the meeting is to be held at a place, the corporation shall make the list of shareholders entitled to vote available at the meeting, and any shareholder or the shareholder's agent or attorney is entitled to inspect the list at any time during the meeting or any adjournment. If the meeting is to be held solely by means of remote communication, then the list must also be open to inspection during the meeting on a reasonably accessible electronic network, and the information required to access the list must be provided with the notice of the meeting.

(4) If the corporation refuses to allow a shareholder or the shareholder's agent or attorney to inspect a shareholders' list before or at the meeting or to copy a list as permitted by subsection (2), the district court of the county where the corporation's principal office is located or, if its principal office is not located in this state, the first judicial district, on application of the shareholder, may summarily order the inspection or copying at the corporation's expense and may postpone the meeting for which the list was prepared until the inspection or copying is complete.

(5) Refusal or failure to prepare or make available the shareholders' list does not affect the validity of action taken at the meeting.

History: En. Sec. 70, Ch. 271, L. 2019; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 34, L. 2021.