53-2-215. Social Security Act section 1115 waiver, MCA

Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 2. Department of Public Health and Human Services

Social Security Act Section 1115 Waiver

53-2-215. Social Security Act section 1115 waiver. (1) The department may pursue approval from the U.S. department of health and human services for implementation in Montana of a health insurance flexibility and accountability demonstration initiative and other demonstration projects through section 1115 waivers.

(2) The department may implement a demonstration project upon approval of a section 1115 waiver by the U.S. department of health and human services. The department may:

(a) coordinate a demonstration project with a program approved through a section 1915 waiver; or

(b) terminate and subsume in a new section 1115 waiver an existing managed care or access program approved through a section 1915(b) waiver, an optional state plan medicaid service authorized under 53-6-101, an optional state plan eligibility group authorized under 53-6-131, or an existing program approved by a section 1115 waiver that is administered by the department.

(3) The department may initiate and administer section 1115 waivers to more efficiently apply available state general fund money, other available state and local public and private funding, and federal money to the development and maintenance of medicaid-funded programs of health services and of other public assistance services and to structure those programs or services for more efficient and effective delivery to specific populations.

(4) (a) In establishing programs or services in a demonstration project approved through a section 1115 waiver, the department shall administer the expenditures under each demonstration project within the state spending authority that is available for that demonstration project. The department may limit enrollments in each program within a demonstration project, reduce the per capita expenditures available to enrollees, and modify and reduce the types and amounts of services available through each program when the department determines that expenditures can be reasonably expected to exceed the available state spending authority.

(b) The department shall develop a contingency plan if there is a spending cap as a condition of the waiver and the spending cap is exceeded. The contingency plan must address the effects on new programs, services, or eligibility groups.

(5) The department may coordinate the state children's health insurance program authorized under Title 53, chapter 4, part 10, with a section 1115 waiver for the purpose of increasing the state funding match available under the waiver and expanding the number of participants in the state children's health insurance program.

(6) The department, subject to the terms and conditions of the section 1115 waiver:

(a) shall establish the eligibility groups based upon the funding principles stated in 53-6-101(2);

(b) may provide medicaid coverage for one or more optional medicaid eligibility groups;

(c) may provide medicaid coverage for one or more specific populations of persons who are not within the federally authorized medicaid eligibility groups but who are within the requirements of subsection (7);

(d) may establish the service coverage, eligibility requirements, financial participation requirements, and other features for the administration and delivery of services to each section 1115 waiver eligibility group;

(e) shall set limits on the number of participants for each section 1115 waiver eligibility group;

(f) shall set limits on the total expenditures under each demonstration project; and

(g) shall set the limits on the total expenditures on the services to be provided to each section 1115 waiver eligibility group.

(7) The categories of persons that the department may consider for establishment as a section 1115 waiver eligibility group include but are not limited to:

(a) low-income parents of children who are eligible to participate in medicaid under 53-6-131 or in the state children's health insurance program authorized under Title 53, chapter 4, part 10;

(b) children who because of limits on enrollment may not be covered through the state children's health insurance program authorized under Title 53, chapter 4, part 10;

(c) children who are eligible to participate in the state children's health insurance program authorized under Title 53, chapter 4, part 10; and

(d) other specific groups of persons who are participants in programs or services funded solely or primarily through state general funds or who the department determines are in need of specific types of health care and related services, such as prescription drugs, reproductive health care, and mental health services, and are without adequate financial means to procure health insurance coverage of those needs.

(8) Children participating in a section 1115 waiver eligibility group or children who would be eligible to participate in the state children's health insurance program are subject to the eligibility criteria applicable under 53-4-1004, except as provided in subsection (9) of this section, for participation in the state children's health insurance program and must receive benefits as provided through the state children's health insurance program under 53-4-1005.

(9) (a) Except as provided in this subsection (9), the eligibility for the section 1115 waiver eligibility groups may not exceed 150% of the federal poverty level.

(b) The department may establish eligibility at greater than 150% but no more than 200% of the federal poverty level for any of the following groups established for purposes of a section 1115 waiver:

(i) participants in the state children's health insurance program;

(ii) participants in a group that may be covered under the state children's health insurance program;

(iii) participants in a family planning program;

(iv) participants in a group composed of persons previously served through a program funded with state general fund money and other nonmedicaid money; or

(v) participants in a group composed of persons with a significant need for particular services that are not readily available to that population through insurance products or because of personal financial limitations.

(c) In establishing the eligibility criteria based upon federal poverty levels, the department shall select levels to ensure that the resulting expenditures will remain within the available funding and will conform with the terms and conditions of approval by the U.S. department of health and human services.

(d) The department may adopt additional programmatic and financial eligibility criteria for a section 1115 waiver eligibility group in order to appropriately define the subject population, to limit use for fiscal and programmatic purposes, to prevent improper use, and to conform the administration of the program with the terms and conditions of the section 1115 waiver.

(e) Eligibility criteria applicable to a section 1115 waiver eligibility group need not conform to the criteria applicable to another section 1115 waiver eligibility group or to a medicaid eligibility group that is not encompassed within the demonstration project.

(10) (a)  For each section 1115 waiver eligibility group, the department shall establish the program benefit or benefits to be available to the participants in the group.

(b) Program benefits may be in the form of:

(i) assistance in the payment of health insurance premiums for health care coverage through an employer or other existing group coverage available to the program enrollee;

(ii) assistance in the payment of health insurance premiums for health care coverage that meets a set of defined standards and limitations adopted by the department in consultation with the commissioner of insurance and obtained from participating private insurers or through self-insured pools;

(iii) premium purchase for insurance coverage on behalf of children who are 18 years of age or younger for the defined set of health care and related services adopted by the department for the state children's health insurance program authorized in Title 53, chapter 4, part 10; or

(iv) coverage of a defined set of health care and related services administered directly by the department on a fee-for-service basis.

(c) The department may limit the types of program benefits available to enrollees in a program. For programs in which the department provides for more than one type of program benefit, the department may require that enrollees, either as a whole or on an individual basis based on certain circumstances, use certain types of program benefits in lieu of using other types of program benefits.

(d) The department shall, as necessary to maintain expenditures for a program within the available funding for that program, set monetary limitations on the total benefit amounts available on a periodic basis for an enrollee through that program, whether that benefit is in the form of premium assistance, premium purchase, or a set of covered services.

(11) The benefits for a section 1115 waiver eligibility group may be in the form of a defined set of covered services consisting of one or more of the mandatory and optional medicaid state plan services specified in 53-6-101 or other health-care related services. The department may select the types of services that constitute a defined set of covered services for a section 1115 waiver eligibility group. The department may provide coverage of a service not specified in 53-6-101 if the department determines the service to be appropriate for the particular section 1115 waiver eligibility group. The department may define the nature, components, scope, amount, and duration of each covered service to be made available to a section 1115 waiver eligibility group. The nature, components, scope, amount, and duration of a covered service made available to a section 1115 waiver eligibility group need not conform to those aspects of that service as defined by the department for delivery as a covered service to another section 1115 waiver eligibility group or to a medicaid eligibility group that is not encompassed within a section 1115 waiver.

(12) The department may adopt financial participation requirements for enrollees in a section 1115 eligibility group to foster appropriate use among enrollees and to maintain the fiscal accountability of the program. The department may adopt financial participation requirements, including but not limited to copayments, payment of monthly or yearly enrollment fees, or deductibles. The requirements may vary among the section 1115 waiver eligibility groups. In adopting financial participation requirements for enrollees selecting coverage as provided in subsection (10)(b)(iv), the department may not adopt cost-sharing amounts that exceed the nominal deductible, coinsurance, copayment, or similar charges adopted by the department to apply to categorically or medically needy persons for a service pursuant to the state medicaid plan.

(13) (a) The department shall adopt rules as necessary for the implementation of a section 1115 waiver. Rules may include but are not limited to:

(i) designation of programs and activities for implementation of a section 1115 waiver;

(ii) features and benefit coverage of the programs;

(iii) the nature, components, scope, amount, and duration of each program service;

(iv) appropriate insurance products and coverage as benefits;

(v) required enrollee eligibility information;

(vi) enrollee eligibility categories, criteria, requirements, and related measures;

(vii) limits upon enrollment;

(viii) requirements and limitations for service costs and expenditures;

(ix) measures to ensure the appropriateness and quality of services to be delivered;

(x) provider requirements and reimbursement;

(xi) financial participation requirements for enrollees;

(xii) use measures; and

(xiii) other appropriate provisions necessary for administration of a demonstration project and for implementation of the conditions placed upon approval of a section 1115 waiver by the U.S. department of health and human services.

(b) Unless required by federal law or regulation, the department may not adopt rules that exclude a child from medicaid services or require prior authorization for a child to access medicaid services if the child would be eligible for or able to access the services without prior authorization if the child was not in foster care.

(14) The department shall administer the programs and activities that are subject to a section 1115 waiver in accordance with the terms and conditions of approval by the U.S. department of health and human services. The department may modify aspects of established programs and activities administered by the department as may be necessary to implement a section 1115 waiver as provided in this section.

(15) The department may seek an initial duration and durational extensions for a section 1115 waiver as the department determines appropriate for demonstration and fiscal considerations.

(16) The department shall provide a report to the legislature, as provided in 5-11-210, on the conditions of approval and the status of implementation for each section 1115 waiver approved by the U.S. department of health and human services. For any proposed section 1115 waiver not approved by the U.S. department of health and human services, the department shall provide to the next legislative session a report on the basis for disapproval and an analysis of the fiscal costs and programmatic impacts of serving the persons within the proposed section 1115 waiver eligibility groups through eligibility under one of the optional medicaid eligibility categories established in federal law and authorized by 53-6-131.

(17) The department shall present a section 1115 waiver proposal to the appropriate medicaid advisory council, which must include consumer advocates, prior to the submission of the proposal to the federal government.

(18) The department shall present a section 1115 waiver proposal to the house appropriations committee or, during the interim, the children, families, health, and human services interim committee for review and comment at a public hearing prior to the submission of the proposal to the federal government for formal approval and shall also present the section 1115 waiver after final approval from the federal government.

(19) (a) The department shall provide for a public comment period on the proposed section 1115 waiver at least 60 days before the submission of the section 1115 waiver application to the federal government for formal approval.

(b) The department shall give notice of the proposal by announcing the pending submittal, stating its general purpose, and informing the public that information on the proposal is available on the department's website.

(c) The department shall provide for public comment through electronic means or mail and shall provide for a public forum in at least one location at which members of the public can submit views on the proposal. The department shall consider comments received and make any appropriate changes to the waiver request before submitting it to the federal government.

(d) The department shall post on its website the waiver concept paper, formal correspondence regarding a waiver proposal, and the final approved waiver, including documents received from the centers for medicare and medicaid services.

History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 350, L. 2005; amd. Sec. 33, Ch. 63, L. 2015; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 442, L. 2017; amd. Sec. 7, Ch. 41, L. 2019.