
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Committee Study Bill Copy

Requested by Representative Llew Jones

For the House Appropriations Committee

Prepared by Molly DelCurto

March 14, 2023 (2:22pm)

1. Page A-5, line 9: .

Strike: "3,252,491 3,258,187"[Proprietary FY24 FY25]

Insert: "3,312,924 3,318,620"[Proprietary FY24 FY25]

2. Page A-5, line 21: .

Strike: "0 0"[Proprietary FY24 FY25]

Insert: "89,784 87,003"[Proprietary FY24 FY25]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment adds proprietary fund authority in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division and the Business and Income Taxes Division to establish 1.00 new FTE in each division. This will provide funding for 2.00 FTE in total and associated operating expenses.