
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Committee Study Bill Copy

Requested by Representative Bob Keenan

For the House Appropriations Committee

Prepared by Joshua Poulette

March 13, 2023 (3:33pm)

1. Page B-2: .

Following: line 25

Insert: "The Disability Employment and Transitions Division (DETD) is appropriated $775,000 of state special revenue from the Montana Telecommunications Access Program (MTAP) during each year of the 2025 biennium to cover a contingent Federal Communications Commission mandate, which would require states to provide both video and internet protocol relay services for people with severe hearing, mobility, or speech impairments."


Insert: "The Business and Financial Services Division and the Health Care Facilities Division include a one-time-only reduction in FY 2024 and FY 2025 for a suspension of insurance premium payments to the Risk Management and Tort Defense Division’s proprietary fund."


Insert: "If HB 64 is not passed and approved, then the appropriation for the Disability Employment and Transitions Division is reduced by $144,660 state special revenue funds in FY 2024 and $141,351 state special revenue funds in FY 2025, and the appropriation for the Health Care Facilities Division is increased by $144,660 general fund in FY 2024 and $141,351 general fund in FY 2025."


Insert: "The line item for Independent Living Svc. for the Older Blind Program RST to Benefits and Eqpmt. is restricted to expenditures on benefits and claims."


Insert: "The line item for Increase TANF Block Grant Transfer to Child Care is restricted to expenditures on child care subsidies."


Insert: "The Legislature intends that the Department of Public Health and Human Services increase the child support pass-through for eligible Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) populations from $100 to $200 monthly."


Insert: "The line item for Increase Funding for Child Care Subsidies on a biennial and one-time-only basis is restricted to expenditures on child care subsidies."


Insert: "The Legislature intends that Medicaid postpartum continuous eligibility be increased from 60 days to 6 months for individuals with a substance use disorder diagnosis or mental health diagnosis."

2. Page B-1, line 5: .

Strike: "RST to Benefits and Eqpmt."

- END -

Explanation - This amendment adds language in HB 2 that clarifies restrictions on three line item appropriations in HB 2. This amendment also creates a language appropriation for the MTAP program in HB 2 and establishes contingent appropriation changes tied to the passage of HB 64. This amendment also clarifies legislative intent on Medicaid postpartum continuous eligibility. Finally, this amendment strikes part of the line item appropriation for Independent Living Svc. for the Older Blind Program as restrictions on this appropriation are clarified in HB 2 language.