
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Committee Study Bill Copy

Requested by Representative Mary Caferro

For the House Appropriations Committee

Prepared by Julia Hamilton

March 12, 2023 (8:06pm)

1. Page B-1, line 26:

Strike: "25,243,463 26,002,674"   [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "24,747,661 25,067,624"   [General Fund FY24 FY25]


Strike: "47,146,286 49,046,378"   [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "45,842,256 46,517,477"   [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]

- END -

Explanation - The Legislature adopted authority to maintain existing services in MPATH as well as fund Customer Care Operations and financial service shortfalls (DP 9000 - MPATH Operations). This amendment eliminates that funding, resulting in a general fund reduction of $1.4 million and a reduction in federal funds of $3.8 million across the biennium in the Technology Services Division.