
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Committee Study Bill Copy

Requested by Representative Jane Gillette

For the House Appropriations Committee

Prepared by Joshua Poulette

March 14, 2023 (2:42pm)

1. Page B-2: .

Following: line 3


Insert: "a. Medicaid Provider Rate Increase for Inpatient Non-Critical Access Hospital Services


         1,445,123 2,951,308    [General Fund FY24 FY25]


         5,162,989 10,529,241   [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]"

2. Page B-2: .

Following: line 25


Insert: "The line item for Medicaid Provider Rate Increase for Inpatient Non-Critical Access Hospital Services is contingent on the Department of Public Health and Human Services' evaluation of the Upper Payment Limit payment methodology, including but not limited to how Medicaid rate increases impact the Upper Payment Limit, the integrity of the cost-to-charge ratio calculation, allowable reportable hospital costs, and alternative Upper Payment Limit calculation methods. The department shall also require hospitals to provide evidence annually of how the Upper Payment Limit payments impact efficiency, economy, quality of care, and access. The department may additionally assess graduated penalties to hospitals with high outlier cost-to-charge ratios."

- END -

Explanation - This amendment adds funding for Medicaid provider rate increases for inpatient non-critical access hospital services with accompanying contingent language. Total funding is $4.4 million general fund and $15.7 million federal special funds.