Mr. Chairman:
I move to amend House Bill 2 (second reading copy -- yellow).
Signed: ____________________________
Representative Mary Caferro
And, that such amendments to House Bill 2 (second reading copy -- yellow) read as follows:
1. Page B-1:
Following: line 8
Insert: "a. Increase Funding to Food Banks (Restricted/Biennial)"
Insert: "1,000,000 1,000,000"[Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]
2. Page B-3:
Following: line 23
Insert: "The line item Increase Funding to Food Banks is restricted to grants for the specified entity. The Department of Public Health and Human Services shall submit a written report on the use of this funding prior to the end of FY 2025 to the Health and Human Services Interim Budget Committee."
- END -
Explanation - This amendment appropriates $1.0 million in each year of the biennium for food banks in the Human and Community Services Division. This appropriation is restricted to grants for the specified entities.