
Mr. Chairman:

I move to amend House Bill 2 (second reading copy -- yellow).

Signed: ____________________________

Representative Ed Stafman

And, that such amendments to House Bill 2 (second reading copy -- yellow) read as follows:

1. Page D-4:

Following: line 2

Insert: "Litigation Funding is restricted and is contingent on the attorney general producing a statement of intent to engage in litigation as a party or amicus curiae in the interest of the state. The statement must be provided to the governor's office and the House and Senate Judiciary Committees or, in the interim, the Law and Justice Interim Committee, and published on the Department of Justice website. The statement of intent must include: (i) the nature and location of the proposed litigation; (ii) the nature of the state's interest; (iii) the attorney general's position on the issues; and (iv) an itemized projection of costs to the state for engaging in the litigation. This statement must be provided at least 5 business days prior to engaging in litigation in which the state may have an interest. If the attorney general does not provide the statement as outlined in this paragraph, Litigation Funding is void."

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