
Mr. Chairman:

I move to amend House Bill 2 (second house second reading copy -- tan).

Signed: ____________________________

Senator Denise Hayman

And, that such amendments to House Bill 2 (second house second reading copy -- tan) read as follows:

1. Page B-2: .

Following: line 16


Insert: "a. Nursing Home Stabilization Funding (Restricted/Biennial/OTO)

         5,000,000     [General Fund FY24]


         8,864,441     [Federal Special Fund FY24]"

2. Page B-6: .

Following: line 1


Insert: "The line item for Nursing Home Stabilization Funding is restricted to expenditures on provider rate enhancements or lump sum payments intended to financially stabilize nursing home providers in the Senior and Long-Term Care Division during the 2025 biennium. Funding may only be utilized for recruitment and retention incentives for the nursing home workforce, for enhanced wages and benefits for the nursing home workforce, for the hiring of additional workers for the nursing home workforce, for the reduction of reliance on contract labor in nursing home settings, and for related expenditures determined to be appropriate by the Department of Public Health and Human Services."

- END -

Explanation - This amendment adds one-time-only restricted funding for nursing home provider rates with accompanying language on the nature of the restriction. Total funding is $5.0 million general fund and $8.9 million federal special funds over the biennium.