Mr. Chairman:
I move to amend House Bill 2 (second house second reading copy -- tan).
Signed: ____________________________
Senator Christopher Pope
And, that such amendments to House Bill 2 (second house second reading copy -- tan) read as follows:
1. Page B-2, line 6: .
Strike: "128,733,401 135,972,151" [General Fund FY24 FY25]
Insert: "129,174,502 136,420,385" [General Fund FY24 FY25]
Strike: "354,623,323 378,564,039" [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]
Insert: "355,064,425 379,012,273" [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]
- END -
Explanation - This amendment adds 11.00 FTE and associated funding for Quality Improvement Specialists in the Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Division.