Mr. Chairman:

I move to amend House Bill 2 (second house second reading copy -- tan).

Signed: ____________________________

Senator Shannon O'Brien

And, that such amendments to House Bill 2 (second house second reading copy -- tan) read as follows:

1. Page D-1, line 21: .

Strike: "33,162,769 33,296,448"   [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "33,372,972 33,507,265"   [General Fund FY24 FY25]

2. Page D-1, line 24: .

Strike: "1,522,235 1,529,284"[State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "1,592,268 1,599,538"[State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

3. Page D-1, line 27: .

Strike: "574,755 577,790"    [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "614,344 617,482"    [General Fund FY24 FY25]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment reestablishes a total of 5.05 FTE in the Judicial Branch that were removed because they had been vacant for a period of 2 years or more as of February 15 of this fiscal year.

Item 1 increases the District Court Operations by $210,203 general fund in FY 2024 and $210,817 general fund in FY 2025 and increases FTE by 3.8.

Item 2 increases the Water Courts Supervision by $70,033 state special revenue in FY 2024 and $70,254 state special revenue in FY 2025 and increases FTE by 0.75.

Item 3 increases the Clerk of Court by $39,589 general fund in FY 2024 and $39,692 general fund in FY 2025 and increases FTE by 0.50.