
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

3rd Reading Copy

Requested by Senator Forrest Mandeville

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Molly DelCurto

April 7, 2023 (1:58pm)

1. Page A-11, line 24: .

Strike: "HB 462"

Insert: "SB 442" 

2. Page A-11: .

Following: line 25

Insert: "If HB 669 is passed and approved and provides for an appropriation to the Veterans' Affairs Program of at least $5 million from the general fund in the 2025 biennium, then all general fund appropriation authority is void and state special revenue authority will be reduced to $844,279 in FY 2024 and $983,814 in FY 2025 in the Veterans' Affairs Program."

- END -

Explanation - This amendment adds coordination language with SB 442 and HB 669 related to marijuana funding in the Veterans' Affairs Program in the Department of Military Affairs.