
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

3rd Reading Copy

Requested by Senator Janet Ellis

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Julia Hamilton

April 10, 2023 (9:29pm)

1. Page B-2, line 3: .

Strike: "135,972,151" [General Fund FY25]

Insert: "137,723,147" [General Fund FY25]


Strike: "378,564,039" [Federal Special Fund FY25]

Insert: "382,017,619" [Federal Special Fund FY25]

2. Page B-2, line 5: .

Strike: "249,388,073" [General Fund FY25]

Insert: "249,460,743" [General Fund FY25]


Strike: "1,404,752,345"[Federal Special Fund FY25]

Insert: "1,404,895,675"[Federal Special Fund FY25]

3. Page B-2, line 13: .

Strike: "105,189,940" [General Fund FY25]

Insert: "107,741,598" [General Fund FY25]


Strike: "262,082,676" [Federal Special Fund FY25]

Insert: "257,049,908" [Federal Special Fund FY25]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment adds a 2% inflationary increase to studied Medicaid providers in FY 2025. This increase totals $13.0 million in all funds, of which $4.4 million is general fund.