
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

3rd Reading Copy

Requested by Senator Jeffrey Welborn

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Robert Miller

April 6, 2023 (3:34pm)

1. Page C-7: .

Following: line 6

Insert: "During the 2025 biennium, up to $3 million of earnings transferred from the conservation district fund created in HB 321 are appropriated from the conservation district account authorized in 76-15-106 for the purpose authorized in 76-15-502."

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Explanation - HB 321, should it pass and be approved, establishes a conservation district fund within the coal tax trust. HB 321 directs that earnings from this fund are to be transferred to the Conservation District State Special Revenue account authorized in 76-15-502. This language amendment gives the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation up to $3.0 million of spending authority from the Conservation District State Special Revenue account.