Amendments to House Bill No. 2

2nd Reading/2nd House Copy

Requested by Senator Barry Usher

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Catherine Duncan

April 10, 2023 (1:26pm)

1. Page D-4:

Following: line 9

Insert: "If HB 697 is passed and approved with a condition that makes the Montana Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council an administratively attached entity in the Department of Justice, then the following must occur: the Division of Criminal Investigation is reduced by $135,266 general fund and $459,497 state special funds in FY 2024 and $135,266 general fund and $460,881 state special funds in FY 2025; the Department of Justice shall reduce full-time equivalent positions authorized in HB 2 by 3.00; there is appropriated to the Department of Justice to the credit of the Montana Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council $594,763 in FY 2024 and $596,147 in FY 2025 from the Department of Justice account established in 44-10-204; and the Montana Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council may increase full-time equivalent positions authorized in HB 2 by 3.00 FTE."

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