
Amendments to House Bill No. 2

3rd Reading Copy

Requested by Senator John Esp

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Katie Guenther

April 10, 2023 (4:04pm)

1. Page A-5, line 22: .

Strike: "6,714,658 6,763,949"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "6,715,981 6,765,713"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

2. Page A-6, line 17:

Strike: "32,048,674 33,746,779"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "32,049,811 33,748,210"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

3. Page A-6, line 25:

Strike: "3,225,751 3,237,856"  [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "3,226,963 3,239,377"  [General Fund FY24 FY25]

4. Page A-7, line 14:

Strike: "2,157,275 2,169,811"  [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "2,157,958 2,170,721"  [General Fund FY24 FY25]

5. Page A-7, line 26: .

Strike: "3,009,547 3,018,221"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "3,009,863 3,018,631"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

6. Page A-8, line 3: .

Strike: "289,792 291,415"  [State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "291,957 294,266"  [State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

7. Page A-8, line 11: .

Strike: "10,086,606 10,088,654" [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "10,091,281 10,094,764" [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]

8. Page A-9, line 11: .

Strike: "314,165 320,654"  [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "314,481 321,253"  [General Fund FY24 FY25]


Strike: "671,354 675,703"  [State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "680,992 690,568"  [State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

9. Page A-11, line 14: .

Strike: "9,330 10,927" [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "9,586 11,268" [General Fund FY24 FY25]

10. Page C-2, line 16: .

Strike: "1,028,156 1,052,909" [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "1,050,608 1,082,728" [General Fund FY24 FY25]

11. Page C-4, line 17: .

Strike: "2,161,168 2,168,317" [State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "2,162,005 2,169,432" [State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

12. Page C-4, line 21: .

Strike: "3,692,444 3,716,193" [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "3,692,640 3,716,456" [General Fund FY24 FY25]

13. Page C-6, line 8: .

Strike: "15,467,282 15,532,523"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "15,468,452 15,534,019"[General Fund FY24 FY25]


Strike: "20,881,780 21,249,086"[State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "20,883,331 21,251,216"[State Special Fund FY24 FY25]


Strike: "1,398,735 1,400,129" [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "1,398,908 1,400,327" [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]

14. Page C-7, line 22: .

Strike: "6,973,970 6,976,151" [State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "6,974,127 6,976,357" [State Special Fund FY24 FY25]

15. Page E-1, line 4:

Strike: "9,718,936 9,776,532" [General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "9,720,033 9,777,975" [General Fund FY24 FY25]


Strike: "17,467,887 17,591,291" [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "17,471,201 17,595,716" [Federal Special Fund FY24 FY25]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment makes a technical correction to the adjustment to inflation adjustment that was approved in the House Appropriations Committee. General fund appropriations increase by approximately $30,000 in FY 2024 and $40,000 in FY 2025. State special revenue appropriations increase by approximately $14,000 in FY 2024 and $21,000 in FY 2025. Federal special revenue appropriations increase by approximately $8,000 in FY 2024 and $11,000 in FY 2025.