32-2-1014. Compensation of agents and attorneys. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), after notice to the mutual association and subject to approval by a district court judge of the county in which the mutual association is located, the compensation of the agents, attorneys, expert accountants, and other assistants appointed by the department and all expenses of liquidation and distribution of a mutual association whose assets and business have been taken possession of by the department must be fixed by the department. The department shall, on written request of the judge, supply semiannual statements showing the condition of the mutual association in the process of liquidation. Except in cases of emergency, the compensation paid to attorneys and expert accountants must be fixed and approved before services are rendered. The compensation must be paid out of the funds of the mutual association in the hands of the department and are a proper charge and lien on the assets of the mutual association.
(2) If the federal deposit insurance corporation is appointed as the liquidating agent, the reporting and district court approval requirements in subsection (1) do not apply.