Montana State Legislature
2001-2002 State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Committee
The State Administration and Veterans' Affairs interim committee has administrative rule review, draft legislation review, program evaluation, and monitoring responsibilities for the public employee retirement plans and the following Executive Branch agencies and the entities attached to those agencies for administrative purposes:
- Department of Administration
- Department of Military Affairs
- Office of the Secretary of State.
Final Reports
- SJR5 Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee:
- HJR8 Voting Systems Subcommittee:
- For the Full SAIC:
Staff Reports
For SJR 5 Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee:
- Bill Summaries: 2001 Session
- Building an Access Ramp for Mentally Disabled Veterans
For HJR8 Voting Systems Subcommittee:
For the full SAIC:
SJR 5 Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs
- LC5551:Revising the Board of Veterans Affairs
- LC5552: Amending the property tax waiver and vehicle registration waiver for veterans' with a 100% service-connected disability so that the waivers also encompass veterans' with a 100% individual unemployability rating
- LC5553: Eliminating income as a criteria for determining whether a property owned by certain veterans or their surviving spouses is exempt from residential property taxes
- LC5554: Providing that the surviving spouse of a veteran who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-connected disability is exempt from paying certain vehicle registration fees if the spouse does not remarry; providing that the surviving spouse of a 100% service-connected disabled veteran may retain the special license plates issued to that veteran for a flat $5 registration fee in lieu of other vehicle registration taxes and fees
HJR 8 Subcommittee on Voting Systems
- LC8881: Prohibit use of punchcard voting systems after Dec. 31, 2003.
- LC8882: Generally revise provisions on voting systems, vote count procedures, determination of voter intent, training.