Montana State Legislature
2009-2010 Education and Local Government Committee
The Education and Local Government (ELG) Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The ELG’s statutory duties include review of proposed administrative rules and draft legislation, as well as completing any studies assigned to it. They also entail monitoring the operations of, and providing information to, the State Board of Education, Board of Public Education, Board of Regents of Higher Education, and the Office of Public Instruction. Finally, the ELG acts as a liaison with cities and counties, providing an important forum for discussion of strong, effective governance at the community and county level.
Capitol Building Room 137 - Agenda - Minutes
Local Government
Thigpen Legal Memo -- House Bill 645 Contracts
Petesch Legal Opinion -- Executive Authority to Withhold HB 645 Grants
DNRC Presentation -- Wildland-Urban Interface Designation
Historic Preservation -- State Program Quick Facts
Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission
Cultural and Aesthetic Grant Program
FWP Heritage Resources Program
State Historic Preservation Office
Montana Main Street Program
Long-Range Building
OPI -- Schools of Promise
Capitol Building Room 102 - Agenda - Minutes
Interim Zoning
Western States Comparison
Compensatory Takings legal memo
Questions posed to interim zoning panelists
Due Process legal memo
Critical Quality Educator Shortages report from OPI to the Board of Public Education
October 1, 2009 - Oct. 2, 2009, Agenda
Work Plan Chart - reflects changes requested by committee June 30
Legal staff memo regarding interim zoning and private property rights
Legal staff memo regarding wildland fire suppression on federal land
Background information for SJR 2 - Establishment of community colleges
ELG established a subcommittee to work with K-12 and higher education agencies and the education community to implement the provisions of HJR 6 and SJR 8, shared policy goals and accountability measures for K-12 and K-20 education. Subcommittee members were appointed at ELG's October meeting.