The Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee will hold a conference call meeting at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 30, to hear and take comment on the state's application to continue Medicaid expansion with new community engagement and premium requirements.
The committee also will review changes to its interim work plan and adopt a final work plan.
House Bill 658, passed by the Legislature earlier this year, continued the state's Medicaid expansion program but added those new requirements to it. However, the state must obtain exemptions from certain elements of federal Medicaid law in order to put the community engagement provisions and premium changes into effect.
State law requires the Children and Families Committee to hold a meeting at which comment is taken on the waiver application.
Although most committee members will be participating in the July 30 meeting by phone, members of the public can attend the meeting in Room 137 of the Capitol in Helena to offer comment on the waiver application, draft work plan, or other items within the committee's jurisdiction. Comments also may be submitted to the committee staff either by e-mail, to, or by regular mail, to Sue O'Connell, Legislative Services Division, P.O. Box 201706, Helena, MT, 59620-1706.
The meeting will be streamed live at For more information about the meeting, including a full agenda and related materials, visit the committee's website or contact Sue O'Connell, committee researcher.
Committee Website:
Committee Staff: or 406-444-3597
The Legislative News.