The Education Interim Committee (EDIC) will meet on September 11-12, 2019, in Room 102 of the State Capitol and cover a wide range of education issues spanning preschool to postsecondary education.
The committee will hear from OPI and DPHHS about outcomes from recent preschool programs that are no longer funded, as well about a new federal grant to complete a birth through 5 needs assessment for the state. K-12 topics for the meeting include career and technical education (CTE), student well-being as part of the HJ 56 study of bullying, and student assessment.
The focus for postsecondary will largely be on finances with particular attention on concerns about increasing levels of student loan debt.
Senate members appointed to the committee are Carlie Boland, D-Great Falls; Edie McClafferty, D-Butte; Dan Salomon, R-Ronan; and Russ Tempel, R-Chester. House members are Fred Anderson, R-Great Falls; Moffie Funk, D-Helena; Bruce Grubbs, R-Bozeman; Connie Keogh, D-Missoula; Sue Vinton, R-Billings; and Tom Woods, D-Bozeman. At its first meeting, the committee elected Rep. Anderson to serve as presiding officer and Sen. McClafferty as vice-presiding officer.
The meeting will be live streamed at and will be broadcast on the Montana Public Affairs Network (MPAN). For more information about the meeting, including a full agenda, visit the committee’s website or contact Pad McCracken, committee staff.
Committee Website:
Committee Staff: or (406) 444-3595
The Legislative News.