News Archives for October 2019

What are your priorities for the time spent between legislative sessions? The Legislative Services Division wants you to weigh in.

On October 30th, staff emailed each legislator a short survey concerning the Montana Legislature’s interim process. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete, and your candid feedback will help legislative staff better serve legislators ...

Barriers to voting by American Indians and improving communication between Child Protective Services and tribes are topics the Montana Legislature's State-Tribal Relations Committee (STRC) will discuss in Billings on November 11 and 12.

The two studies are part of the work plan the committee approved in August. The STRC will also learn about tribal treaty rights and land ...

Gnashing of {implanted) teeth and rules that could drive someone to drink are completely separate topics in some worlds, but legislators at the Nov. 7 meeting of the Economic Affairs Interim Committee will have the opportunity to hear concerns both about proposed dentures/teeth implant rules and penalties related to violating alcohol laws.

The Legislative News.