The Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) heard from Fiscal Division staff during their September meeting about initial research regarding interim study bills.
Staff presented work regarding HB 715, the study looking at Montana’s state and local budget sustainability. Reports included Fiscal Sustainability Research and Resources and the results of an initial outreach effort soliciting study questions. Staff will continue to gather data and research trends from the past 20 years and develop materials on potential outcomes for the next 10 years.
The LFC discussed it’s interim workplan and heard updates from representatives of its four subcommittees comprised of LFC members and other interim committees. The work is focused on studies as outlined in HB 715, HB 657 (community college funding formula and CTE funding), HB 633 (create digital library services state special revenue account) and SB 310 (revise laws related to legislature and budgeting).
Legislators also learned about plans for “Legislative Week,” an event planned for January that will allow the legislature to gather in Helena for informational sessions, collaborative work time and interim committee meetings.
The LFC subcommittees next meet Dec. 16, 2019, and the full committee meets Dec. 17. Agendas and materials related to those meetings will be posted on the LFC webpage in the coming weeks:
The Legislative News.