Legislator Survey on the Interim Released

What are your priorities for the time spent between legislative sessions? The Legislative Services Division wants you to weigh in.

On October 30th, staff emailed each legislator a short survey concerning the Montana Legislature’s interim process. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete, and your candid feedback will help legislative staff better serve legislators in the future.  The purpose of the survey is to ensure the time between sessions is tailored to meet the needs and priorities of legislators. Your feedback is important regarding the process, the role of staff, and other needs and priorities identified by legislators. It also will assist staff develop a proposed interim committee budget for consideration and approval by the 2021 Legislature.

The survey is completely voluntary and anonymous.

The survey also will provide pertinent input from the entire body to the Legislative Council and Legislative Finance Committee as they continue with their Senate Bill No. 310 study assignment. SB 310 directs the two administrative committees to explore options for improving both policy and budget interim processes and procedures. It also requests recommendations on potential modifications to the meeting schedules used during the interim and during session.

Legislative staff will compile the survey results for presentation to the Legislative Council in January 2020. The results will be available to all legislators, with additional analysis provided during the upcoming Legislative Week, planned for January 13-17, 2020 in Helena.

Survey results are due back by Friday, November 15. If you did not receive an email with the survey link or are unable to participate online, a hard copy of the survey will be provided to you. Please contact Executive Director Susan Fox at 406-444- 3066 if you have questions or need a hard copy to complete.  Thank you!

The Legislative News.