News Archives for 2019
The Revenue Interim Committee will hold its first meeting of the interim on June 27, 2019. The meeting will be held in Room 102 of the State Capitol in Helena, starting at 9:30 a.m.
Senate members appointed to the committee are Duane Ankney, R-Colstrip; Dick Barrett, D-Missoula; Mark Blasdel, R-Kalispell; Jill Cohenour, D-East ...
The legislative interim committee that focuses on industry ranging from agriculture to insurance elected Rep. Sharon Stewart Peregoy as its presiding officer and Rep. Vince Ricci as vice presiding officer at its initial meeting June 6. Two committee members, Rep. Josh Kassmier and Rep. Derek Harvey, were named as liaisons to Montana State Fund, while ...
The Council met with the Legislative Finance Committee following their 5/29/19 morning meeting. The two committees broke out in groups to discuss their goals and objectives for fulfilling the Senate Bill No 310 study relating to the legislature’s budgeting and policy processes. The group provided direction to concentrate the study in three ...
At the May 29, 2019 Council meeting, staff proposed changes to the Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines for Interim Committee: Voting procedures by chamber were suggested for the interim committees that received additional House appointments, appointment of subcommittee presiding officers and subcommittee members to include consultation with the vice presiding officers, and for who is ...
The Legislative Council met on May 29, 2019. After receiving updates on revenue, session information and the legal office, the Council reviewed the specifications for replacement of the chairs for the House of Representatives. The specifications describe chairs that reflect the historical nature of the chamber, yet add new features for safety and ...
Next year
The Legislative News.