Adopted dates regarding 2021 Legislative Session

The Legislative Council received legal information on  emergency powers of the executive and legislative branches and financial infomration related to the COVID-19 emergency.  The reports are on the Legislative Council Meeting Materials Page.  The Legislative Council and the Legisaltive Finance and Audit Committees, and the Revenue Interim Committee participated in the call and the combined membership will be invited to each committee's future calls to hear the same information and monitor the ever-changing COVID-19 emergency.

The Council also adopted dates for the pre-session Caucuses, Orientation, and Training and a tentative 2021 Session calendar.  This information is under Areas of Focus on the Council homepage.

Legislative interim committees are scheduling many interim committee virtual meetings during May and staff continues to be available to assist legislators and is regularly updating the COVID-19 information page.  Be safe in this stressful time and we wish you all the best!

Contact: Susan B. Fox,, (406) 444-3066.


The Legislative News.