The Geocodes Working Group will meet May 1, May 6, and May 13.

A special water policy-related working group will conduct three meetings over the next four weeks to address issues related to the state water rights database. The Geocodes Working Group will meet May 1, May 6, and May 13. These meetings will either be Zoom video calls or phone conference calls.

The working group is reviewing an initial framework of 15 suggestions for improvements to how ownership updates are incorporated into the water rights database.

All meetings start at 10 a.m. These meetings are accessible to the public. The meetings will be streamed live on and broadcast on the Montana Public Affairs Network (MPAN). An archived recording of the meeting will also be made immediately available on

To participate, email with your name and a request, and you will be sent a calendar invite with instructions for joining and participating in the meeting by 5 p.m. the day before the call. Written comments may be emailed to staff and forwarded to the committee. Additional information on joining these meetings will be provided on the committee website,, and on the committee agenda.

The WPIC is led by Rep. Zach Brown, D-Bozeman, chairman, and Sen. Jeffrey Welborn, R-Dillon, vice-chairman. Other members of the committee are: Sen. Jill Cohenour (D-E. Helena), Sen. Bruce “Butch” Gillespie (R-Ethridge), Sen. Jon Sesso (D-Butte), Rep. Bob Brown (R-Thompson Falls), Rep. Carl Glimm (R-Kila), Rep. Bradley Maxon Hamlett (D-Cascade), Rep. Shane Morigeau (D-Missoula), and Rep. Walt Sales (R-Manhattan).

Members of the Geocodes Working Group include all committee members and Krista Lee Evans, Association of Gallatin Area Irrigator and Senior Water Rights Coalition; James Ferch, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; Bill Gowen, Jr., Montana Land Title Association; Evan Hammer, Natural Resources Information Service; Kory Hofland, Department of Revenue; Hon. Russ McElyea, Montana Water Court; Regina Plettenberg, Montana Association of Clerks and Recorders; Shantil Siaperas, Montana Association of Counties; and Liane Taylor, Montana Association of Realtors. 

For more information on the committee's or working group's activities and meetings, including notice of the working group's April meeting, please visit the committee’s website or contact Jason Mohr, committee staff.

Committee Website:

Committee Staff: or 406-444-1640

Committee mailing address:

Water Policy Interim Committee

Capitol Building, room 171D

P.O. Box 201704

Helena, MT  59620-1704

The Legislative News.