The Education Interim Committee (EDIC) will hold a remote meeting the morning of August 20, 2020, from 9 AM to approximately noon as the committee moves towards wrapping up its interim work.

After hearing MUS and K-12 reopening updates, the committee will explore several topics, including:

  • possible findings and recommendation for its study of student well-being and HJ 56;
  • bill drafts to authorize Handle With Care programs and eliminate reduced-price school meal co-pays; and
  • a bill draft authorizing state-funding for a voluntary pre-kindergarten program for 4-year-olds.

The meeting will be live streamed at and will be broadcast on the Montana Public Affairs Network (MPAN). For more information about the meetings, including an agenda with information about public participation, visit the committee’s website or contact Pad McCracken, committee staff.

Committee Website:

Committee Staff: or (406) 444-3595

The Legislative News.