The Education Interim Committee (EDIC) will hold a two-part remote meeting the afternoons of September 14 and 15, 2020, from 3:00 to 5:30 PM each day. This will be the committee's final meeting of the interim.

The meeting will focus on a review of the potential economic impacts of proposed changes to K-12 content standards in five content areas and presentations of numerous statutory reports related to education, from identifying young students with dyslexia to postsecondary financial aid. In addition, the committee will:

  • get updates on school reopening from the MUS and OPI and an update on fall enrollment from the Montana Digital Academy;
  • review its work on preschool over the course of the interim;
  • look at two bill drafts: one allowing children of military families being relocated to register for classes prior to establishing residency, and another to eliminate reduced-price school meal co-pays; and
  • review a draft of the committee's HJ 56 report on bullying and student well being.

The meeting will be live streamed at and will be broadcast on the Montana Public Affairs Network (MPAN). For more information about the meetings, including an agenda with information about public participation, visit the committee’s website or contact Pad McCracken, committee staff.

Committee Website:

Committee Staff: or (406) 444-3595

The Legislative News.