Economic Affairs
The Economic Affairs Interim Committee will meet by video-conference Sept.10 to finish its work on two studies and review bill drafts for possible committee introduction in the 2021 Legislature.
The Economic Affairs Interim Committee will be taking public comment on placeholder bills that will be reviewed at its last meeting of the interim Sept. 10.
The Economic Affairs Interim Committee of the Montana Legislature will have a hybrid in-person and Zoom meeting on June 30-July 1 to hear updates on COVID-19 economic impacts and continue work on assigned studies, required reports, and an examination of certain rules proposed by state agencies monitored by the committee.
Recognizing the ripple effects that COVID-19 is having on Montana's $4 to $5 billion agriculture and livestock industry, the Economic Affairs Interim Committee requested letters supporting faster disbursement of federal impact funds and regulatory easing.
The Economic Affairs Interim Committee of the legislature will have a teleconference call April 30 to get updates about impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Montana employees and businesses, including the role of local banks in helping roll out federal Small Business Administration loans.
The Legislative News.