The Transportation Interim Committee continues to track implementation of the federal REAL ID Act in Montana as well as keeping up-to-date on issues ranging from bicycle and pedestrian path funding to the use of de-icers on Montana's roadways.
The committee met Monday, January 13 in conjunction with Legislative Week and heard from a variety of ...
The Transportation Interim Committee (TIC) meets January 13 to continue its work on traffic safety systems and policy in Montana
The meeting begins at 9 a.m. in Room 152 of the State Capitol. The committee will receive an overview of the 2019 Transportation Safety Planning meeting, hosted by the Department of Transportation (MDT) in ...
During the week of January 13 through 17, 2020, the Montana Legislature is holding "Legislative Week" There will be training sessions for all legislators on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, and the morning of Wednesday, January 15, 2020. There will be many other legislative committees meeting on Monday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday providing an ...
The Transportation Interim Committee meets September 16 to set its priorities for the next year.
During the Transportation Interim Committee’s inaugural meeting July 9, members elected Senator Gordon Vance, R-Belgrade, presiding officer, and Senator Diane Sands, D-Missoula, vice presiding officer.
The Legislative News.