Montana State Legislature
Cultural & Aesthetic Grant Program
The Cultural and Aesthetic Grant Program (C&A), as provided in Title 22, Chapter 2, part 3, MCA, is administered by the Montana Arts Council (MAC). Interest earnings from a statutory trust, which receives coal severance tax revenues, fund the grant program. By statute, the interest from the cultural trust is to be appropriated for the protection of works of art in the State Capitol and other cultural and aesthetic (C&A) projects, 15-35-108, MCA.
Grant applications for cultural and aesthetic projects are submitted to the MAC on a biennial basis. Eligible applicants include the state of Montana and regional, county, city, town, or tribal governments. A 16-member Cultural and Aesthetic Projects Advisory Committee, with eight members appointed by the Montana Arts Council and eight appointed by the Montana Historical Society, reviews each application. The committee prioritizes the requests and makes funding recommendations to the legislature as part of the executive budget. All grants require legislative approval in accordance with 22-2-306 through 309, MCA.