Montana State Legislature
State Building Energy Conservation Program
The State Building Energy Conservation Program (SBECP), administered by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), was established by the 1989 Legislature to reduce operating costs of state facilities by identifying and funding cost-effective energy efficiency improvement projects. Statutory authority is found in Title 90, Chapter 4, part 6, MCA. Energy efficiency improvements include projects such as:
- Replacing obsolete/inefficient boilers
- Upgrading inefficient lighting
- Increasing ventilation system efficiency
- Improving building envelope systems
- Providing more effective building control systems
- Improving water systems
SBECP projects are designed so that the estimated savings of energy costs are used to reimburse the project costs and finance operational costs. In the past projects were funded through a bonded program. Beginning in FY 2008, bond proceeds were no longer used to fund the program. The 2007 Legislature funded SBECP projects with an appropriation of general fund and the 2009 Legislature funded projects with appropriations of general fund and federal special funds (ARRA funds). With those funding changes, the program was modified into a revolving loan program. Project reimbursements, plus 3% interest on the outstanding loan balance of the project, are expected to support future projects and administrative costs. Program recommendations encourage conservation measures which have a service life of at least 15 years. However, energy savings are expected to continue throughout the life of the improvement.
Projects come to the SBECP either directly because of the energy saving benefits or in conjunction with projects planned under the Long-Range Building Program. DEQ offers state agencies assistance in evaluating energy use and identifying energy conservation projects. Program engineers evaluate all projects proposed for the LRBP to assess the energy savings potential on proposed remodeling and renovation projects. Projects with the potential for energy savings are funded through the SBECP and are often jointly funded with the LRBP deferred maintenance funds.
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