Part 8. Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety
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61-8-801. Purpose.
61-8-802. Suspension of commercial driver's license -- disqualification.
61-8-803. Suspension of commercial driver's license -- serious traffic violations.
61-8-804. Suspension of commercial driver's license -- felony involving a controlled substance while driving a commercial vehicle.
61-8-805. Suspension for operating a commercial vehicle with alcohol concentration of 0.
61-8-806. Blood, breath, or urine tests of commercial vehicle operators -- procedure -- suspension.
61-8-807. Administration of tests.
61-8-808. Right of appeal to court.
61-8-809. Leaving the scene of an accident involving commercial motor vehicle -- suspension.
61-8-810. Suspension of commercial driver's license -- felony involving a commercial motor vehicle.
61-8-811. Suspension of commercial driver's license -- duration -- second or subsequent offense.
61-8-812. Suspension of commercial driver's license -- operation of out-of-service vehicle.