Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 10-120. Engrossing and enrolling staff -- duties. (1) The Legislative Services Division shall provide all engrossing and enrolling staff.
   (2) The duties of the engrossing and enrolling staff are:
   (a) to engross or enroll any bill or resolution delivered to them within 48 hours after it has been received, unless further time is granted in writing by the presiding officer of the house in which the bill originated; and
   (b) to correct clerical errors, absent the objection of the sponsor of a bill, resolution, or amendment and the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives in any bill or amendment originating in the house by which the Clerk or Secretary is employed. The following kinds of clerical errors may be corrected:
   (i) errors in spelling;
   (ii) errors in numbering sections;
   (iii) additions or deletions of underlining or lines through matter to be stricken;
   (iv) material copied incorrectly from the Montana Code Annotated;
   (v) errors in outlining or in internal references;
   (vi) an error in a title caused by an amendment;
   (vii) an error in a catchline caused by an amendment;
   (viii) errors in references to the Montana Code Annotated; and
   (ix) other nonconformities of an amendment with Bill Drafting Manual form.
   (3) The engrossing and enrolling staff shall give notice in writing of the clerical correction to the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the House, who shall give notice to the sponsor of the bill or amendment. The form must be filed in the office of the amendments coordinator. A party receiving notice may register an objection to the correction by filing the objection in writing with the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the House by the end of the next legislative day following receipt of the notice. The Senate or House shall vote on whether or not to uphold the objection. If the objection is upheld, the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the House shall notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Services Division, and the engrossing staff shall change the bill to remove the correction or corrections to which the objection was made.
   (4) For the purposes of this rule, "engrossing" means placing amendments in a bill.

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