Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 10-130. Bills -- sponsorship -- style -- format. (1) A bill must be sponsored by a member of the Legislature.
   (2) A bill must be:
   (a) printed on paper with numbered lines;
   (b) numbered at the foot of each page (except page 1);
   (c) backed with a page of substantial material that includes spaces for notations for tracking the progress of the bill; and
   (d) introduced. Introduction constitutes the first reading of the bill.
   (3) In a section amending an existing statute, matter to be stricken out must be indicated with a line through the words or part to be deleted, and new matter must be underlined.
   (4) (a) Except as provided in subsection (4)(b), sections of the Montana Code Annotated repealed or amended in a bill must be stated in the title.
   (b) (i) Sections of the Montana Code Annotated repealed or amended in a legislative referendum must be stated in the title unless the inclusion of those sections in the title would cause the title to cumulatively exceed the 100-word limit pursuant to section 5-4-102, MCA.
   (ii) If the inclusion of sections of the Montana Code Annotated repealed or amended in a legislative referendum title would cause the title to cumulatively exceed 100 words, the title must include those sections that do not exceed the 100-word limit and include a reference to the total number of additional sections listed in the body of the bill that are excluded from the title due to the 100-word limit. Those additional sections excluded from the title must be listed in a section within the body of the bill after the enacting clause.
   (5) Introduced bills must be reproduced on white paper and distributed to members.

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