Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 40-150. Engrossing. (1) When a bill has been reported favorably by Committee of the Whole of the house in which it originated and the report has been adopted, the bill must be engrossed if the bill is amended. Committee of the Whole amendments must be included in the engrossed bill. If the bill is not amended, the bill must be sent to printing. The bill must be placed on the calendar for third reading on the legislative day after receipt.
(2) Copies of the engrossed bill to be distributed to members are reproduced on blue paper. If a bill is unamended by the Committee of the Whole and contains no clerical errors, it is not required to be reprinted. Only the first sheet must be reproduced on blue paper, with the remainder of the text incorporated by reference to the preceding version of the entire bill.
(3) If a bill is amended by a standing committee in the second house, the amendments must be included in a tan-colored bill and distributed in the second house for second reading consideration. If the bill is amended in Committee of the Whole, the amendments must be included in a salmon-colored reference bill and distributed in the second house for third reading. If the bill passes on third reading, copies of the reference bill must be distributed in the original house. The original house may request from the second house a specified number of copies of the amendments to be printed.

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