Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 40-160. Enrolling. (1) When a bill has passed both houses, it must be enrolled. An original and two duplicate printed copies of the bill must be enrolled, free from all errors, with a margin of two inches at the top and one inch on each side. In sections amending existing statutes, new matter must be underlined and deleted matter must be shown as stricken.
   (2) When the enrolling is completed, the bill must be examined by the sponsor.
   (3) The correctly enrolled bill must be delivered to the presiding officer of the house in which the bill originated. The presiding officer shall sign the original and two copies of each bill not later than the next legislative day after it has been reported correctly enrolled, unless the bill is delivered on the last legislative day, in which case the presiding officer shall sign it that day. The fact of signing must be announced by the presiding officer and entered upon the journal no later than the next legislative day. At any time after the report of a bill correctly enrolled and before the signing, if a member signifies a desire to examine the bill, the member must be permitted to do so. The bill then must be transmitted to the other house where the same procedure must be followed.
   (4) A bill that has passed both houses of the Legislature by the 90th day may be:
   (a) enrolled;
   (b) clerically corrected by the presiding officers, if necessary;
   (c) signed by the presiding officers; and
   (d) delivered to the Governor or, in the case of a bill proposing a referendum, to the Secretary of State, not later than 5 working days after the 90th legislative day.
   (5) All journal entries authorized under this rule must be entered on the journal for the 90th day.
   (6) The original and two copies signed by the presiding officer of each house must be presented to the Governor or the Secretary of State, as applicable, in return for a receipt. A report then must be made to the house of the day of the presentation, which must be entered on the journal.
   (7) The original must be filed with the Secretary of State. Signed copies with chapter numbers assigned pursuant to section 5-11-204, MCA, must be filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court and the Legislative Services Division.

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