Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 40-170. Amendment by second house. (1) Amendments to a bill by the second house may not be further amended by the house in which the bill originated, but must be either accepted or rejected. A bill amended by the second house when the effect of the combined amendments is to return the bill to the form that the bill passed the house in which the bill originated is not considered to have been amended and need not be returned to the house of origin for acceptance or rejection of the amendments. If the amendments are rejected, a conference committee may be requested by the house in which the bill originated. If the amendments are accepted and the bill is of a type requiring more than a majority vote for passage, the bill again must be placed on third reading in the house of origin.
   (2) The vote on third reading after concurrence in amendments is the vote of the house of origin that must be used to determine if the required number of votes has been cast.

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