Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 40-200. Transmittal deadlines -- two-thirds vote requirement. (1) (a) A bill or amendment transmitted after the deadline established in this subsection (1) may be considered by the receiving house only upon approval of two-thirds of its members present and voting. If the receiving house does not so vote, the bill or amendment must be held pending in the house to which it was transmitted.
   (b) (i) A bill, except for an appropriation bill, a revenue bill, a bill proposing a referendum, an interim study resolution, or amendments considered by joint committee, must be transmitted from one house to the other on or before the 45th legislative day.
   (ii) Amendments, except to appropriation bills, committee bills implementing the general appropriations bill, the revenue estimating resolution, interim study resolutions, bills proposing referenda, and revenue bills, must be transmitted from one house to the other on or before the 73rd legislative day.
   (c) (i) Revenue bills and bills proposing referenda must be transmitted to the other house on or before the 67th legislative day.
   (ii) Amendments to revenue bills and bills proposing referenda, received from the other house, must be transmitted to the house of origin on or before the 80th legislative day.
   (iii) A revenue bill is one that either increases or decreases revenue by enacting, eliminating, increasing, or decreasing taxes, fees, or fines.
   (d) (i) Appropriation bills and any bill implementing provisions of a general appropriation bill must be transmitted to the Senate on or before the 67th legislative day. A fund transfer within the state treasury is not an appropriation for purposes of this section.
   (ii) Senate amendments to appropriation bills must be transmitted by the Senate to the House on or before the 80th legislative day.
   (2) (a) A joint resolution introduced pursuant to 5-5-227, MCA, for the purpose of estimating revenue available for appropriation by the Legislature must be transmitted to the Senate no later than the 60th legislative day.
   (b) Amendments to the revenue estimating resolution must be transmitted to the body in which the resolution was introduced no later than the 82nd legislative day.
   (3) Bills repealing or directing the amendment or adoption of administrative rules and joint resolutions advising or requesting the repeal, amendment, or adoption of administrative rules may be transmitted at any time during a session.
   (4) Interim study resolutions must be transmitted from one house to the other on or before the 85th legislative day.

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