Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 40-210. Governor's veto. (1) Except as provided in 40-65 and 40-180, each bill passed by the Legislature must be submitted to the Governor for the Governor's signature. This does not apply to:
   (a) bills proposing amendments to The Constitution of the State of Montana;
   (b) bills ratifying proposed amendments to the United States Constitution;
   (c) resolutions; and
   (d) referendum measures of the Legislature.
   (2) If the Governor does not sign or veto the bill within 10 days after its delivery, the bill becomes law.
   (3) The Governor shall return a vetoed bill to the Legislature with a statement of reasons for the veto.
   (4) If after receipt of a veto message, two-thirds of the members of each house present approve the bill, it becomes law.
   (5) If the Legislature is not in session when the Governor vetoes a bill, the Governor shall return the bill with reasons for the veto to the Legislature as provided by law. The Legislature may be polled on a bill that it approved by two-thirds of the members present or it may be reconvened to reconsider any bill so vetoed (Montana Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 10).
   (6) The Governor may veto items in appropriation bills, and in these instances the procedure must be the same as upon veto of an entire bill (Montana Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 10).

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