Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule Joint Rule 40-230. Governor's recommendations for amendment -- procedure. (1) The Governor may return any bill to the Legislature with recommendations for amendment. The Governor's recommendations for amendment must be considered first by the house in which the bill originated.
   (2) If the Legislature passes the bill in accordance with the Governor's recommendations, it shall return the bill to the Governor for reconsideration. The Governor may not return a bill to the Legislature a second time for amendment.
   (3) If the Governor returns a bill to the originating house with recommendations for amendment, the house shall reconsider the bill under its rules relating to amendments offered in Committee of the Whole.
   (4) The bill then is subject to the following procedures:
   (a) The originating house shall transmit to the second house, for consideration under its rules relating to amendments in Committee of the Whole, the bill and the originating house's approval or disapproval of the Governor's recommendations.
   (b) If both houses approve the Governor's recommendations, the bill must be returned to the Governor for reconsideration.
   (c) If both houses disapprove the Governor's recommendations, the bill must be returned to the Governor for reconsideration.
   (d) If one house disapproves the Governor's recommendations and the other house approves, then either house may request a conference committee, which may be a free conference committee.
   (i) If both houses adopt a conference committee report, the bill in accordance with the report must be returned to the Governor for reconsideration.
   (ii) If a conference committee fails to reach agreement or if its report is not adopted by both houses, the Governor's recommendations must be considered not approved and the bill must be returned to the Governor for further consideration.

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