Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 60-10. Suspension of joint rule -- change in rules. (1) A joint rule may be repealed or amended only with the concurrence of both houses, under the procedures adopted by each house for the repeal or amendment of its own rules.
   (2) A joint rule governing the procedure for handling bills may be temporarily suspended by the consent of two-thirds of the members of either house, insofar as it applies to the house suspending it.
   (3) Any Rules Committee report recommending a change in the joint rules must be referred to the other house. Any new rule or any change in the rules of either house must be transmitted to the other house for informational purposes.
   (4) Upon adoption of any change, the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives shall provide the office of the Legislative Services Division:
   (a) one copy of all motions or resolutions amending Senate, House, or joint rules; and
   (b) copies of all minutes and reports of the Rules Committees.

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